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Recreational Coach Information


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Who is the Recreational Coach?

Oshawa Kicks Soccer Club Recreational Coaches are all volunteers. Coaches in the program may be parents, siblings, friends or university/high school students. All of the Club’s Recreational coaches share common traits:

  • They want to make a contribution to the OKSC and the community that they live in
  • They have a passion for the game and understand the importance of having a leader and point person for their team
  • They have a knowledge of the game and a desire to learn more about soccer

As a Parent Coach;

It’s about enjoying a season of soccer with their child and getting to meet the parents of the players on the team and growing their group of friends. Over the course of their child’s time playing soccer a coach can develop a coaching relationship with another parent who in the future they will coach with.

As a Student Coach;

They volunteer so that they can coach a sibling, give something back to the game and also stay involved in the game. High School students can get volunteer community hours as well as develop leadership skills that can benefit them in terms of using a resume for a job or in applying to specific programs for college and university. For the college/university student coaching is a way to complement the program that they are studying and be a helpful resource for entrance into the workforce and/or college/university programs where leadership skills are a key component for success.

In addition, coaching is a way for all to expand their network. Whether it be a group of friends or a network to use in career searches coaching with the OKSC is a valuable way to expand who knows you and what you are about.

Coaches will bring a variety of experience and knowledge to their role as coaches. Some will be experienced coaches; some will have played the game as a youth or adult at various levels and there will be others who will be coaching for the first time. Just remember, as the players are learning the game, in some cases so is the coach. It is important to manage expectations as recreational soccer is about playing the game, making new friends and being active.

The most important thing for parents to remember is that their child’s recreational coach is a VOLUNTEER! The volunteer coach is someone who is willing to provide the team with 2-3 hours each week so that children and youth get to play soccer. Just think what a season of soccer would look like without the 100-plus volunteer coaches who provide their time, passion and expertise each season

Rec Coach and Staff Structure

Staff Coaches

Here at the Oshawa Kicks, we run our house league program a little different than the traditional programs you may be used to from your childhood.  Our programs are FULLY STAFFED from U3-U8 which means a member of the Oshawa Kicks coaching team will be on-hand on each field, each night to welcome the teams and run them through your warm-up and are on-field during each game to provide direction. 

Our coaches run the warm-up and game for both teams participating and are trained to execute a curriculum designed by our Club Technical Staff for your Child's age group.

Volunteer Rec Coaches

We rely on volunteer parent support to lead the sideline environment weekly.  Some teams have a single volunteer Team Leader who has put their hand up in advance of the season starting and some "lead by committee".  Where our staff coaches are responsible for the learning and coaching, the Team Leader handles FUN!

Single Volunteer Team:  A Single Volunteer team has one parent volunteer coach who will be with the kids on the sideline, doing substitutions, encouraging the team and ensuring the players have the best time possible each week.

Lead by Committee Team:  A Lead By Committee Team does not have a single volunteer who requested to be the Team Leader, so our Staff Coaches coordinate with all of the parents from the team to ensure a parent is with the players on the sidelines each week.  Usually, this means all parents on the team take a turn to ensure the kids have the best experience possible!